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Command line options

Default value
-vec Vectorize image -
from "vextractor.ini"
Vectorize image m - vectorization mode

t - smooth tolerance (pixels)
b - create bezier splines
sz - min contour length (pixels)
w - line width limit (pixels)
s - smart trace (boolean)
sd - max removed dead end length (pixels)
sb - max removed bridge length (pixels)
sm - max distance for contour merge (pixels)
o - ortho line mode (boolean)
a - arcs and circles recognition (boolean)
aa - max angle (degrees)
al - max arc length (pixels)
g - snap to grid (pixels)
m = 0|1
m = 0 for centerline
m = 1 for outline
t >= 0.0
b = 0|1
sz >= 0.0
w = 0...64
s = 0|1
sd >= 0.0
sb >= 0.0
sm >= 0.0
o = 0|1
a = 0|1
aa = 0.0...360.0
al >= 0.0
g >= 0.0
m = 0

t = 1.4
b = 0
sz = 0.0
w = 0 (not used if zero)
s = 1
sd = 3.0
sb = 3.0
sm = 10.0
o = 1
a = 1
aa = 60.0
al = 50.0
g = 0.0 (no snap)
Convert image to black'n'white
by threshold
from "vextractor.ini"
-thr:t Convert image to black'n'white
by threshold
t - threshold
t = 0 ... 255
t = 128
Despeckle image filter -
from "vextractor.ini"
Despeckle image filter
r - mask radius ( mask size = 2*r+1 )
t - threshold (%)
r = 1 ... 10
t = 0 ... 100 %
r = 1
t = 50
Remove isolated objects -
from "vextractor.ini"
Remove isolated objects
b - size of black (foreground) objects
w - size of white (background) objects
b = 0 ... 20
w = 0 ... 20
b = 1
w = 1
Image median filter -
from "vextractor.ini"
Image median filter
r - mask radius ( mask size = 2*r+1 )
r = 1 ... 10
r = 1
Save vectors to AutoCAD DXF
Input file name + ".dxf"
Save vectors to WMF
- -
Input file name + ".wmf"
-save2emf Save vectors to EMF - -
Input file name + ".emf"
-save2mid Save vectors to MapInfo MID/MIF
- -
Input file name + ".mid"
Save vectors to ArcView SHP
- -
Input file name + ".shp"
Save vectors to ASCII XYZ
- -
Input file name + ".xyz"
Save vectors to SVG
- -
Input file name + ".svg"
Save vectors to EPS
- -
Input file name + ".eps"
-save2ai Save vectors to AI - - Input file name + ".ai"
Save raster image to BMP
- -
Input file name + ".bmp"
Save raster image to TIF
- -
Input file name + ".tif"
-save2png Save raster image to PNG - - Input file name + ".png"

The options are performed in the order in which they appear on the command line. There must be at least one option for Vextractor to run in console mode. 

You must specify parameters exactly in this order and didn't skip any of them.

The file names of raster image files can be specified after the options, before the options, or interspersed between them - it does not matter. All the options will be performed on all the raster images.


vextractor.exe -vec -save2dxf c:\raster\image.bmp

This would start up Vextractor in console mode, load the raster file image.bmp, perform vectorizing and save as the DXF file image.dxf in the same folder. 

vextractor.exe -des -rio -vec -save2emf -save2dxf image.bmp

In this example, the image.bmp raster file is loaded from the current directory, despeckled and small objects are removed, the vectors are extracted and the result is saved as the Windows Metafile image.emf and the same vectors as the DXF in image.dxf.

vextractor.exe -med:2 -vec -save2dxf c:\raster\image1.bmp c:\raster\image2.bmp

In this example, image1.bmp will be loaded and processed by median with mask 5x5 (radius = 2), the vectors will be extracted and the results saved as a DXF file of the same name. Then image1.bmp will be closed and the same process will be repeated for image2.bmp.

vextractor.exe image1.bmp image2.bmp -save2tif
vextractor.exe -save2tif image1.bmp image2.bmp

This two srings are equivalent: convert image1.bmp and image2.bmp to image1.tif and image2.tif respectively.

vextractor.exe image.bmp -med -save2bmp -vec -save2dxf

This will opened image.bmp, then median filter applied and the result will be saved in the same image.bmp.
After that the image will be vectorized and vectors saved in image.dxf file.

vextractor.exe -rio:3:3 -save2bmp image.bmp

Call -rio command with b=3 and w=3.

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